What are web applications suitable for?

Web applications are used for everything from managing customer relationships to tracking inventory levels. Companies rely on web applications to stay in touch with their customers and employees. They make it possible for companies to provide customer service, sell and track orders, manage inventory and much more.

Web applications can be used for simple tasks such as online shopping to complex business processes such as managing supply chains. They create consistent data on which data dashboarding can be applied.


Macanta has built a web application for a company that offers relocation services.

Because their projects usually involve quite complex (international) processes, various parties are involved. Expats can purchase various services, but external parties, such as suppliers and insurers, also use this platform. Our web application allows users to view desired statuses and perform actions to speed the process along. The exact roles and authorisations differ per user, but all data remains up to date for everyone.

Curious about how a web application can take your company to the next level? We are happy to think along with you over a cup of coffee. 

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